Friday, March 19, 2010

#10 Country Music

Across America you'll find that on any given conservative IPOD, is an enormous library of illegally obtained Country Music, AKA "Freedom Music." Country music represents good ol' fashion values, middle America, farming, trucks, and lots of other stupid shit that most people don't give a fuck about. One famous conservative country music star, Toby Keith, will kick your ass if you ain't for war, huge trucks, and tight American made jeans.
Most country music ballads these days are found kissing up to our Troops in an attempt to make a statement that Country Music and "simple everyday middle-Americans" are the only people who love our country. Turn the TV over to CMT and you'll find at least 63% of all videos take place at some sort of Fourth of July event, with fireworks in the sky, a bunch of white middle American families sitting on picnic blankets with patriotic gaze in their eyes, some dogs, and a wholesome "young love" romance. Whether it's Lee Greenwood belting out "God Bless The USA", Alan Jackson reminding us with "Where were you?", or Toby singing "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue," you can rest assure that Country Music will always be on our side, the side of freedom and conservatism.
With all this blind patriotism, it only spans half of the themes of this part of musical Americana--the other half of course being Jesus. That's right, Country Music is also often about Jesus and other Christian themes. This of course makes a conservative very excited (often referred to as a "hard on for Jesus").
Popular examples of Country Music lyrics:

"putting a boot in your ass, it's the American way..."

"And it gave me a chill, when he clicked his heels, and saluted me..."

"As he laid his blood-stained bible in that hooker's hand..."

"To fight for the Red, White, and Blue He was 19 in green with a new M-16Just doin' what he had to do..."

"Oh Lord I'd be lostBut for the grace of GodOh Lord I'd be lost..."

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