Friday, February 12, 2010

#5 Fox News

Fox News is a well known 24 hour, self proclaimed "news" network. For conservatives it's the equivalent of having a 24 hour a day porn channel. Since the inception of TV network news, our airwaves have been littered with facts and journalism. Conservatives call this the mainstream media. Enter Fox News in 1996. When engaging a conservative, be sure to mention any news story you may have seen on Fox News earlier that morning. Conservatives will certainly go into a cheerful rant about how good it is to have a reliable and balanced network like Fox News. To conservatives, balanced reporting and news coverage means complaining about democrats, liberals, and the Obama administration--all day long. Often genuine news will be overlooked due to this phenomenon.
In addition to complaining about democratic policies, Fox News anchors will often pretend to be scientists by denying global warming.
The power of the Fox News organization is vast and acts as an arm to the conservative voice. Fox News is so far removed from journalism in fact, that this bat shit crazy, fucked up, hilljack network actually helped organize and sponsor Tea Party protests, fuel the angst behind the town hall meetings for health care reform, and has given regular platform to the GOP and its supporters. Where else will you find a news Network that has provided shows and contributor jobs to former Republican politicians, i.e. Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, etc? The machine behind the Fox News Network is News Corporation, a factory in New York that produces and manufactures anti-liberal stories and pro conservative stories.

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