Friday, February 19, 2010

#6 Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh (also known as a "Big Fat Idiot") is the conservative radio host, drug addict, misogynistic asshole, and current leader of the GOP. Since 1991, Rush Limbaugh has been the most-listened-to radio host in the United States. To conservatives he is the most popular person on the planet next to Jesus Christ. When not eating everything in sight, Limbaugh can be found at conservatives' favorite place to be at the moment--at some conference complaining about shit.
Limbaugh isn't all bad. He's been involved in increasing Parkinson's awareness by making fun of Michael J. Fox on camera, and supporting diverstiy by giving airplay to a song called "Barack The Magic Negro." Rush Limbaugh enjoys having sex with horses. Conservatives can be heard calling into Limbaugh's program daily saying "dittos" or "mega dittos" meaning they agree with whatever pro-white topic Rush is flapping his fat, stupid jaw about at the time. It has been a well proven fact that global warming is more related to the hot air produced daily from Limbaugh during his radio program and the conservatives calling in to suck his dick on the air.
In addition to spewing shit out of his mouth, Rush is a celebrated author of two books, one of which is called "See, I Told You So" (1993) where he slights the Clinton administration's methods a mere year after being in office. This practice inspired today's conservatives to do the same, but better. Conservatives actually found ways to complain about the Obama administration before he was even elected, painting a Socialist/Communist/Facist agenda for America, which of course has yet to be realized--but hey fuck it. If Rush says it, it's as good as God's word.

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